The Trojan horse exploits a モ ン ク レ ー ル ダ ウ ン レ デ ィ ー ス vulnerability


Computers running MicrosoftRelevant Products/Services from Microsoft Windows XP Latest News about Windows XP can be infected by a new Trojan horse program remotely controlled in a victim's system, モ ン ク レ ー ル ジ ャ ケ ッ ト レ デ ィ ー ス even after it is patched with Microsoft's latest Service Pack 2, IT security Latest News about Security company Symantec Latest News about Symantec warned Wednesday. The program -- dubbed "Phel", an anagram of "Help" -- infects visitors to a malicious website through Internet Explorer's Help controls, Symantec warned tory burch in an advisory. The Trojan horse exploits a モ ン ク レ ー ル ダ ウ ン レ デ ィ ー ス vulnerability, found in October, in how Internet Explorer and Windows XP Service Pack 2 handle help files called from マ ー ク バ イ マ ー ク ジ ェ イ コ ブ ス 店 舗 Web pages. The ト リ ー バ ー チ バ ッ グ flaw is unrelated to the recent help-file flaws discovered by a Chinese security company last week. In that instance, Microsoft took モ ン ク レ ー ル ベ ス ト the Chinese security group to task for disclosing the vulnerability without giving the company a chance to develop a way to fix the problem. A patch is モ ン ク レ ー ル ダ ウ ン not yet available from Microsoft for the October gap, nor the most recent flaws, but ト リ ー バ ー チ 財 布 the software giant said its programmers are working on the issue. "Microsoft is taking this vulnerability very seriously, and an update to correct the vulnerability is currently in development, " a Microsoft spokesman told press, "we will release the security update package after complete the モ ン ク レ ー ル ダ ウ ン レ デ ィ ー ス development and testing process. "http: //www. str8junk. com/heavyhitters. htmlMARC BY MARC JACOBS PRETTY NYLON LITTLE TOTE.